Worst Fruits for Diabetics

Worst Fruits for Diabetics Fruit for Diabetes – Is there a Best or Worst Fruit? Fruit gets an unfair bad rap and is often feared to spike up the blood sugars among people with diabetes. But does all the worry around fruit for diabetes really have any truth? We look at three common fruit myths to bust. Check out below for more related articles and Don’t forget to leave us comments below!

"Worst Fruits for Diabetics"

Signs of Gluten Sensitivity

Signs of Gluten Sensitivity 12 Surprising Signs of Gluten Sensitivity – It’s WAY More Than Tummy Troubles! Have you ever felt like doctors don’t take you seriously? You know that something is wrong with your health, but your practitioner is too quick to dismiss the concerns you experience. Through your own research, you stumble upon this concept called gluten intolerance and realize that all of the signs of gluten sensitivity listed are identical to what…

"Signs of Gluten Sensitivity"

Most Common Food Allergies

Most Common Food Allergies 10 Most Common Food Allergies Over 200,000 emergency room visits every year are caused by allergic reactions to food. An estimated 15 million Americans have some form of food allergy, the symptoms of which can vary from an itchy mouth to potentially deadly anaphylaxis. Other signs of an allergic reaction include rashes, breathing issues, intestinal discomfort, and circulation problems. Check out for more articles below! Don’t forget to leave us comments.

"Most Common Food Allergies"

Best Ways to Eat Healthy On a Vegan Diet

Best Ways to Eat Healthy On a Vegan Diet 6 Simple Ways to Be the Healthiest Vegan Ever If you want to reap the health benefits of vegan eating—normal blood pressure, lots of energy, and a reduced risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer—you should eat a variety of fruits, veggies, beans, whole grains, and other wholesome plant-based foods. Big surprise, huh? There are more related articles below and Don’t forget…

"Best Ways to Eat Healthy On a Vegan Diet"

Exercise for 55 year Old Woman

Exercise for 55 year Old Woman Fitness tips for women working out over 50 If you’re over 50, some say you’re “over the hill.” Others say “50 is the new 30.’” But turning 50 doesn’t have to be the end of being fit and energetic. Although it may take some patience, you can be slim, sleek and foxy into your mature years. Read more articles below and Don’t forget to leave us comments below!  

"Exercise for 55 year Old Woman"

Exercise for 35 Year Old Woman

Exercise for 35 Year Old Woman Physical activity guidelines: How much exercise do you need For general good health, the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommends that adults get a minimum of 2-1/2 hours per week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity. (37) Yet many people may need more than 2-1/2 hours of moderate intensity activity a week to stay at a stable weight. (37) Check out for more related articles below and Don’t leave us…

"Exercise for 35 Year Old Woman"

How to Manage Food Allergy

How to Manage Food Allergy 6 tips for managing food allergies Dealing with food allergies can be daunting. The effects of a reaction range from somewhat bothersome to potentially deadly. There is no cure, so anyone with a food allergy must vigilantly avoid the foods that trigger a reaction. Check out the articles below for more information about how to manage Food Allergy  

"How to Manage Food Allergy"

How to Manage Wheat Allergy

How to Manage Wheat Allergy Types of Food Allergy Wheat allergies, like hay fever and other allergies, develop when the body’s immune system becomes sensitized and overreacts to something in the environment — in this case, wheat — that typically causes no problem in most people. Generally, you are at greater risk for developing an allergy to any food, including wheat, if you come from a family in which allergies or allergic diseases, such as asthma or eczema,…

"How to Manage Wheat Allergy"